Pastor John Conover
Nov 19, 2021
Praise from God's Actual Words of Praise
In the original language of most of the OT, Hebrew, God used seven words that have been translated "praise" or "bless" in the English...
Pastor John Conover
Nov 19, 2021
Stronger Families, Stronger Churches
This week we considered God's message for us from the contrasting lives of Samuel's family and Eli's family. I encourage you to read I...
Pastor John Conover
Jul 8, 2021
Job's Mediator is Your Mediator Too
Suffering shows believers why we need a mediator; why Jesus must be our mediator. Job's response to God and his friends included his...

Pastor John Conover
Mar 26, 2021
See God in the Bad Times
In Isaiah 6, the prophet reviewed how & when he received his message and vision from the Lord. While he was going through difficult...
Pastor John Conover
Feb 4, 2021
Spiritual Power Through Praise and Prayer
We gain spiritual power through the exercises of praise and prayers. While we are doing these things in the Spirit and with...
Pastor John Conover
Feb 4, 2021
Trumpets of Prophecy Alert the Hearers to Prepare
Revelation 8-9 reveals what John saw and heard in his vision when the 7th seal judgment was opened by Jesus Christ. First of all, John...

Pastor John Conover
Nov 11, 2020
The Church Grows in Trials
Let us Affirm these three realities during our difficulties so that we excel for Christ. I Peter 1 teaches us that believers to whom he...
Pastor John Conover
Nov 9, 2020
Soon and Very Soon We Are Going to See the King of Kings
Let us review prophetic passages that seem to teach that Christ's second coming would have been during the first century A.D. These are...
Pastor John Conover
Nov 9, 2020
Trust God in the Storms
Consider Mark 4:33-41, 5:1-20 to review God's truths that help us trust Christ IN the storms. 1. The Storms are Preparatory so that we...
Pastor John Conover
Nov 9, 2020
Fired Up For God
Let us review God's reminders to stir us up from Peter's letter, II Peter 3. The closing verses give us a list of responses God expects...