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Fired Up For God

Pastor John Conover

Let us review God's reminders to stir us up from Peter's letter, II Peter 3.  The closing verses give us a list of responses God expects from those who are stirred up.  Here are a few attitudes, actions, and characteristics that God calls us to.

Chapter 3 is motivational in nature as Peter tells believers in verse one that his purpose is to stir them up by reminding them of truths they had already been taught by him and other apostles.  In summary, the text stirs us with truths about God's Word, His Wishes, & His Wrath.  God's Word is trustworthy (vs. 1-7, 15-16).  God's wishes include salvation (vs. 8-9, 14-15A).  And His wrath to come is sudden, right, right on time, and certain (vs. 10-14).  

God's Word came and has been preserved for us.  His Word equips us to oppose the words of the false teaching scoffers.  His Word was involved in creation, and the world-wide flood.  His Word is still preserving us and reserving this present world for its final restoration by fire.  His wish is that all would come to repentance, and that none would perish in their sins.  His seeming delays between His awesome revelations of Himself in the affairs of man are not delays.  He is on time and above time.  

So, let us take time to study God's Will for us in light of His Word, wish, and wrath.  "Since all these things will be dissolved, what manner of persons ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness" (v. 11)?  

     Vs. 12 - Looking forward with earnest desire for His coming.

     Vs. 14 - Be diligent to be found by Him in peace with Him & His people.

     Vs. 16 - Rightly interpret God's Word.

     Vs. 17 - Beware of error & wickedness to maintain steadfastness to Christ.

     Vs. 18 - Grow spiritually in grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.

                - Glorify the Lord NOW and forevermore.


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