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Pastor John Conover

Little Beginnings in a Far-Away Time & Place

On St. Paul's 2nd missionary trip he crossed over into southeastern Europe (northern Greece). He spread the gospel and planted a church in a little known place. Since that day the gospel spread westward through Europe and the Americas. Jesus illustrated this by saying that the Kingdom is like a grain of mustard seed. It is small, but the tree that follows is huge. The importance of little things in God's hands and plans is seen in a pebble being thrown into the water. The ripple effect is seen growing far out in every direction.

Read Acts 16:11-15, a little passage to get a little glimpse into the growth of the Church into Europe for the first time.

Little Paul

Little mission team

No synagogue or church

Little women, not male city leaders

Little prayer meeting, not large crowd at the stadium downtown

Little bank on the Gangites River outside of town

Little conversation about Christ, not an amazing or recorded sermon

Little response to the invitation to follow

Christ with no crowds or cameras at the altar

Little faith which was the start of Lydia's Christian walk

Little offer of hospitality for Paul"s team to stay with Lydia

Let us remember true greatness of every single ministry opportunity for Jesus Christ.

Let us be content with the laws of small beginnings, slow development, and multiplication.

Let us be motivated by God's love and glory, the true measures of greatness.

Let us be patient as we hope for eternal results for being earnest messengers with the everlasting gospel, empowered by the Holy Spirit.



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