"Song of the Cross" in Psalm 22
How did Jesus fulfill this "Song of the Cross" while He was on the cross 1030 years later?
What words in the Psalm did Jesus call out to God because they also applied to Him?
Why did He suffer and die on the cross?
Why did He feel abandoned by the Father?
What kind of suffering did He experience?
I. Forsaken by God While on the Cross (v. 1; Matthew 27:46; Psalm 31:5)
A. Spiritual, relational suffering involved the agony of isolation, loneliness, & abandonment.
How would you describe what that must have felt like to God, the Son?
How is that abandonment different from our separation from God when we were lost?
B. The abandonment felt real, was real, and had real reasons? WHY?
1. Sin & Guilt being Carried & Paid for. Our sin separated Him from the Father.
Isaiah 59:1-2; 55:6-7; Romans 6:23; John 8:44
2. Separated from the Group; the God-ordained union with the Trinity was broken.
John 17:11; John 1:12; I Corinthians 12:13; Hebrews 10:24-25
Isolation from His Body, the Church is a killer; we were saved for community.
3. Spiritual Growth for His followers; if He suffered for me that much, I can suffer for Him without bitter rejection of Him, and this causes us to grow. James 1:1-8;
II Tim. 3:12 godliness leads to persecution & persecution produces more godliness.
I Peter 4:1-2.
4. Show God's grace toward sinners; we too "commit our spirits into His hands."
Jesus felt and feels our suffering in this sinful world. Hebrews 4:14-16; Psalm 31:5
II. Rejected by People While on the Cross (v. 6-8, 17-18; Matthew 27:39-43)
Discuss ways we are rejected if / when we are actually representing Christ.
Describe this social and missional suffering Jesus felt while on the cross.
III. Defeated Physically While on the Cross (v. 14-17) Discuss His physical suffering.
IV. Believers Take up Their Cross because of His Work on the Cross.
A. Offer Your sacrifice of praise. (v. 22-23; Hebrews 13:15).
B. Offer Your self in full surrender (v. 28-29; Romans 12:1-2).
C. Teach the next generations. (v. 30-31; Ephesians 6:4; II Timothy 2:1-3).
What should we teach from Psalm 22 about Jesus, and about true followers of Jesus?