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Pastor John Conover

Last Days

Scripture: Mark 12-13 and Matthew 24-25

Just days before Jesus went to the cross, He spent time teaching His people all they needed to know about end times. These last days have been passing by since the destruction of Herod's temple, and they culminate in the second coming of Jesus to rule on earth.

  1. From Mark 12, what were the questions the disciples had?

  2. Although Jesus did not answer "When these things" will start and be completed, He did identify a few events that will happen before His second coming. What are they?

  3. Jesus spent more time guiding His people on what to be doing as the day draws near. What should we be doing in light of end times instead of just debating signs or the order of events? Watch out for yourselves and each other? What must we watch out for?

    1. Witness of the gospel. How many nations will have access to the gospel before He comes?

    2. Walk according to God's Word. How many times do you find "take heed?"

    3. Work at God-given jobs (vs. 34-36)

  4. Jesus also emphasized what we should avoid; what we should not be doing.

    1. Don't debate to divide and cause doubts about truth (12:18-27).

    2. Don't determine the dates, hours, and time (13:4, 32).

    3. Don't deceive or be deceived by false Christs and teachers.

    4. Don't be dismayed, derailed, or depressed about the perilous times (13:7-13).

      1. What you will suffer?

      2. What you will say?

      3. Where you will stand?

      4. Who will separate from you?

Let us take time this week to pray for Israel, peace in Jerusalem, lost loved ones, and for power to express the Faith and encourage the saints.


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